Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Happytime Murders (2018)

It's muppets gone bad. From the son of Jim Henson, comes a downright awful and obnoxious comedy. With  adult comedic films on the rise since 2016's "Sausage Party", it hasn't gotten any better, with the exception of both "Deadpool" films, adult tailored comedic films have been no entertaining experiences. This is perhaps the worst film of the year, in my opinion.

This entire movie is just utterly cringe worthy. Yeah things might seem promising from the surfaces, but this film is just too much for the people working on this film. For director Brian Henson, this film is just putting the legacy of his father right down the crapper. Henson tries too hard to emulate the talents of his father, who unlike his son, has made quality content meant for adults. I give Henson kudos for trying to entertain audiences, but it's just excruciating to watch with it's 90 minute runtime.

The writing on the otherhand, is some of the worst ever in a comedy and is completely lazy. A bit forced at getting reactions from audiences and it fails at being a quality film for a comedy, which puts the comedy film genre to shame and look completely dead.

She could've done better. Funny woman Melissa McCarthy leads this troubled film in a bad and unworthy way. She has more talent than this film recognizes. Alongside her, A blue puppet and Maya Rudolph. This blue puppet is one of the worst parts of this film and Rudolph is just annoying in this film. Suffice to say, this film is a career low for McCarthy and Rudolph, who gave us "Bridesmaids". Such a 360 difference in both films.

Trying to somewhat subdue the film of its disgustingly abhorrent qualities, is composer Christopher Lennertz. He makes a groovy score but it's not enough to make this film better.

Save your money at all costs. This film does have promising looks outside, inside it's just plain nasty. This film is a try-hard and it ultimately fails miserably at being a comedic film. The fact this film was made shows Jim Henson is rolling in his grave.

Photo courtsey of STX Films

Rate: F 

Director: Brian Henson

Starring: Melissa McCarthy, Joel McHale, Elizabeth Banks and Maya Rudolph

MPAA Rating: R (for strong crude and sexual content and language throughout, and some drug material)

Runtime: 1 Hour and 31 Minutes 

Synopsis: No Sesame. All Street. THE HAPPYTIME MURDERS is a filthy comedy set in the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles where puppets and humans coexist. Two clashing detectives with a shared secret, one human (Melissa McCarthy) and one puppet, are forced to work together again to solve the brutal murders of the former cast of a beloved classic puppet television show.

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