Saturday, February 9, 2019

Eighth Grade (2018)

Growing up can be hard. When you're just thrust into the world of adolescence, you don't have any clue what the hell is going on. For teen Kayla, she experiences the ups and downs that come with being a teenager. This film is about growing up and being yourself. It is a coming-of-age comedy that is one of the best, most vibrant and relatable films of the year.

From debut writer and director Bo Burnham, comes an all new coming-of-age comedy. Burnham crafts an outstanding and remarkable first film. It's strong, poignant and touching. Burnham's take on the trials of growing up are fresh and authentic. Burnham crafts a remarkable film that all teens should relate to. 

Breakout star Elsie Fisher gives a towering and fierce performance as the adolescent teenager lead. Fisher is a tour-de-force in this film. She gives an outstanding performance, one of the best by a young actress. 

This film has a lot to say about growing up and it's obvious. It showcases what it is actually like or at least tries to depict the world according to a teenager. This film offers commentary on how to be yourself and how to deal with struggles. It's unlike any film this year. 

The films score is composed by Anna Meredith. Meredith does a great job at keeping the mood of the film upbeat and electric. 

Growing up is tough, but if you have the right people by your side, you will overcome anything. This film is outstanding as far as coming-of-age films are concerned. I have no doubt that this film will be enjoyed by all teens and pre-teens alike for years to come. 
Photo courtesy of A24 films 

Rate: A

Director: Bo Burnham 

Starring: Elsie Fisher 

MPAA Rating: R 

Runtime: 1 Hour & 34 Minutes