Friday, October 4, 2019

Joker (2019)

When it was first announced that a film would be made on the iconic “Joker” and serve as a backstory, I was annoyed. For one, because Heath Ledger’s masterful performance as the character in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight”, was and still is the single greatest portrayal of the iconic villain. My negative thoughts on this new film completely changed when this film took me by utter surprise. This film is stunning to the highest level. What this film manages to do so masterfully is pull off the most in-depth character study in all of comic book films.

This film from start to finish is simply eerily mesmerizing. It is unlike any other comic book-based film because this film is one of the darkest most foreboding film in the comic book film genre. The film not only is an in-depth character study, it is an impressive and grim look at the psychology of the title character.

Director Todd Phillips crafts one hell of a film. His vision for the film is bold and shocking to say the least. It is a groundbreaking film achievement in comic book cinema. This film is a dark and dedicated film that shows us how the “Joker” came to be. Phillips outdoes himself and shows his true visionary capabilities.

All I can say is wow! Joaquin Phoenix pulls off the impossible by exceeding expectations. He would’ve certainly made Heath Ledger proud. There are two big differences between Ledgers and Phoenix’s portrayal of the iconic character. Ledger’s was more on the hellbent on chaos and a new world order based on anarchy. On the other hand, Phoenix makes a performance that is as psychologically twisted but more on the mental breakdown of the character.

Composer ‎Hildur Guðnadóttir crafts a haunting and eerie score for a film that is as haunting as the film itself. He makes the film more haunting and darker as possible and it shows all throughout the film with the cello solos making the film more gripping. Though the score isn’t as haunting as Hans Zimmer & James Newton-Howard’s craft of “The Dark Knight”, this film score acts yet another haunting sound that is perfect for this film.

Though this film is almost perfect, the film starts a little slow with some pacing issues and progression throughout. It does make up with its dark comedy and action sequences, along with the score.

One of “Batman’s” most iconic foes, finally gets his silver screen origin story of his very own. What makes as a fantastic film, it sets the stage as a landmark achievement in comic book cinema. I have no doubt that this film and Joaquín Phoenix’s take on the “Joker” will be memorable for years to come.
Photo courtesy of Warner Bros. 

Rate B+

Director: Todd Phillips 

Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy, Brett Cullen and Robert DeNiro

MPAA Rating: R (for strong bloody violence, disturbing behavior, language and brief sexual images)

Runtime: 2 Hours & 2 Minutes 

Synopsis:  Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's part of the world around him. Isolated, bullied and disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker.