Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Dark Tower (2017)

From the thrilling mind of horror novelist Stephen King, comes an intriguing adaptation to one of his bestselling series, "The Dark Tower". Unlike Kings prior and undoubtedly terrifying works- (IT, Carrie, Under the Dome), this movie is more so on a level that is consisted of being a thriller and one of science fiction. Surprisingly enough, it's a movie that delivers on the aspects of entertaining audiences.

I have never seen him so evil. Who am I referring to? None other than usually charming on screen: Matthew McConaughey. He is the films antagonist. Who just so happens to be a very powerful sorcerer. It weird to see him in this form because I hadn't pegged him to be an actor who could pull off being a villain. But it works, especially with his black clothing appearance.

Along with a terrifying and haunting McConaughey, there's two forces of light trying to vanquish the "man in black". Idris Elba-(Thor, Zootopia) plays a "gunslinger" who lives in the same dimension as this bad guy.

And finally, you have a young boy with remarkable capabilities to have "shines" or so called visions of the events of what will happen in the dimension where the self-titled "Dark Tower", our foe and part of hero reside. This young boy, "Jake Chambers" played by Tom Taylor, is portrayed squeamishly, but yet, still has good contributions to this film.

Adapting this 30 year old novel series is danish filmmaker Nikolaj Arcel (The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo). To me this somewhat unknown and up-and-coming director pulls off what I think what was supposed to be an entertaining film. He pulls it off with great action filled with vibrancy and consistency. Even though the acting isn't on par with the entertaining action sequences and somewhat predictable story, it's a job well done for Arcel.

To keep the film subject to its thrilling aspect, a haunting and fast-paced score by Junkie XL (Mad Max: Fury Road) is made to keep audiences continuously engaged in the film.

If you're looking for a good action-packed film, primarily relying on score and its original source material for which this film is based, you're in luck, because this movie is easily one of 2017's best action-sci-fi films.

Rate: B 

Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Idris Elba, Tom Taylor 

Director: Nikolaj Arcel

MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for thematic material including sequences of gun violence and action) 

Runtime: 1 Hour and 35 Minutes 

Synopsis: The last Gunslinger, Roland Deschain (Idris Elba), has been locked in an eternal battle with Walter O'Dim, also known as the Man in Black (Matthew McConaughey), determined to prevent him from toppling the Dark Tower, which holds the universe together. With the fate of the worlds at stake, good and evil will collide in the ultimate battle as only Roland can defend the Tower from the Man in Black. 

First Published on: 

Photo: Columbia Pictures

Malawski’s Movie Rating System

A+ = Exceptional, One of a Kind, Masterpiece. Definite award season contender
A= Pure enjoyment, happy feeling. Satisfaction
A- = One to remember. Unforgettable
B+ = Can get a little over the top. But, it makes out as a good film.
B= This film has the potential to be better. Lacks in consistency
B- = Watches occasionally
C+ = Guilty pleasure territory
C= Causes viewer frustration due to lack of depth in the story
D+ = I hated this movie. Some parts were good. Overall, the film was garbage
D= Very few to no good parts about this movie
D- = Minimal qualities of excellence
F= Don’t even bother watching it. It’s that bad.

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