Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Princess Bride (1987)

Once upon a time in a bedroom of a sick boy, lies the tale of romance and action that his grandfather would read to his father. Unlike your traditional love story, this film is consistent in the love story genre, It satisfies audiences at being a film that has action, romance and comedy. "The Princess Bride" is and has always been a classic. It will continue to delight audiences for several years to come.

Robin Wright shines as the shy and feisty Buttercup. She makes her debut in this film and does not cease to entertain. Co-stars  Cary Elwes  and Wallace Shawn are the films comedic pupils. The comedy in this film is unlike anything you've seen in any other romantic, fairy tale flick.

Directed by Rob Reiner. The way Reiner creates such a vintage and highly enjoyable film through depth and creativity seen like never before. The sets in the film are as country as they come. Even though the sets are not as intriguing as the fairy tale kingdoms we've come to know and love in our modern favorites.

Not only is the film a classic in film, but is the ultimate family film. Filled with elements of surprise around every corner. "The Princess Bride"  will continue to be the milestone of romantic films for so many years to come.

Rate: B-

Director: Rob Reiner 

Starring: Robin Wright, Cary Elwes, Wallace Shawn 

Runtime: 1 Hour & 38 Minutes 

MPAA Rating: PG-(for adult situations/language)

Synopsis: Robin Wright and Cary Elwes star in this fairytale adventure about a beautiful princess and the gallant hero who rescues her from an evil villain.

Malawski’s Movie Rating System

A+ = Exceptional, One of a Kind, Masterpiece. Definite award season contender
A= Pure enjoyment, happy feeling. Satisfaction
A- = One to remember. Unforgettable
B+ = Can get a little over the top. But, it makes out as a good film.
B= This film has the potential to be better. Lacks in consistency
B- = Watches occasionally
C+ = Guilty pleasure territory
C= Causes viewer frustration due to lack of depth in the story
D+ = I hated this movie. Some parts were good. Overall, the film was garbage
D= Very few to no good parts about this movie
D- = Minimal qualities of excellence

F= Don’t even bother watching it. It’s that bad.

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