Saturday, June 18, 2016

Central Intelligence (2016)

Central Intelligence stars Dwayne Johnson and funny man Kevin Hart in this slow but steady action- comedy feature. Some may think that this is an unusual pair for a comedic film, but it satisfies. Johnson, plays an formerly overweight high school student who was popular bullying victim but is now a tall and buff CIA agent. While Hart, who plays one a once popular jock who was voted “most likely to succeed” who is married and has a successful accounting job.

This film is directed by the same person who did 2013’s widely acclaimed comedic film We’re The Millers.

 Rawson Marshall Thurber, does a fine, solid job at cracking jokes.

What makes Central Intelligence funny to it’s core, is it’s wacky and goofy screenplay. Throughout the film there are moments when both of the leading stars get quite edgy and annoying, but as the film progresses Hart and Johnson prove to be tolerable.

The film also offers quality action scenes that are ridiculously funny and suspenseful.
From an unlikely duo of comedic proportions, Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart have a goofy time with a witty on-screen chemistry.

Director:Rawson Marshall Thurber

Starring: Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson

Rated: PG-13

Rate: B-

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